Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not Quite Naked

The TSA's search methods have been causing a lot of controversy lately. The X-Ray scanners make you practically naked in front of them.

There isn't much we can do to get around that, but you can make your statement at 4th Amendment wear.

Slip into the shirts or underwear, which have the 4th amendment on them in metallic ink. Upon looking at your x-ray, the TSA will see your body, your lack of dangerous weapons, and some cleverly-placed words regarding our rights to unreasonable search and seizure.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One Smart Cookie

Cookie Monster takes a page out of Betty White's playbook, rallying Facebook fans to help him land a hosting gig on Saturday Night Live:

He's even posted a SNL audition reel:

As of this moment, the man in blue already has attracted more than 65.000 Facebook fans, and he's a lock to appear on every major newscast. You gotta love a puppet playing the media like a puppet.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

iGigging On NY Subways

iPhone marketing or band promotion? You be the judge, but either way, it's cool and it works.

(Courtesy of our friend, Mark B.)