Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cutting The Paper

Rather than adding a popular "Please consider the environment before printing" tag to their e-mail signatures, the World Wildlife Fund took things a step further. They created an unprintable .pdf format.

Whether you subscribe to this ideology or not (perhaps you're opposed to saving trees), you have to applaud the ingenuity and spot-on brand awareness. It's quite brilliant. You can download the free app from this link.

Projecting The Future of Magazines

When Virgin's Richard Branson decided to start up a new magazine, he wasn't kidding around. Not only is "Project" exclusive to the iPad, but it's cool as heck.

Each monthly issue is $2.99 at the App Store. Learn more about this revolutionary publication here.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Welcome To The Danger Zone

Great, fake spot. How'd they do the accident?

Thanks to Owen for sharing.

stash DVD magazine

Check this site for inspiration. I'm big on Motion Design so this is fascinating for me.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010