Sunday, March 20, 2011

Have You Met TED?

The TED conference was born in 1984 as a way to bring people together from three distinct worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design -- hence the name.

Since then, TED has become one of the most respected creative organizations in the world, showcasing remarkable people and exceptional ideas.

The Other Daily Show

Rupert Murdoch recently launched the first daily newspaper that's exclusive to the iPad. It's called The Daily, and it features great interactivity and graphics.

You can download the app and get two weeks for free, but their business model is definitely based on paying subscribers.

Should be interesting to see if they hit a home run out of the gate. Convincing folks to pay for online content is not an easy sell.

Either way, you're certainly looking at the future of media -- and it's safe to say that video is going to play a key role.